Enjoy a Real Wood Fire Without the Waste: Get a Pellet Insert

Do you love your fireplace but wish burning wood was less wasteful and there wasn’t so much cleanup involved and emissions produced? Maybe it’s time to convert your wood-burning fireplace to a highly efficient, resourceful workhorse with a new pellet fireplace insert. Pellets are made of compact wood waste, so they burn more completely and make use of material that would otherwise go to waste. With a pellet fire, you’ll enjoy more warmth with less waste and emissions, all while using less fuel.

The best part? A pellet insert can be installed directly into your existing fireplace and vented through your existing chimney, so you don’t have to worry about the cost or mess of a rebuild. That is a win-win in our book.

Pellets Are Easy to Store & Load

Another reason homeowners love pellet inserts is that, especially when compared to wood, pellets are easy to store and load. In systems fueled by traditional wood logs, there’s all the chopping, hauling, seasoning, and storing involved, making the simple pleasure of enjoying your system quite cumbersome. Pellets, on the other hand, can be purchased in a bag that’s convenient for you and your storage space. Additionally, pellets are easy to load and you don’t have to worry about stacking and building the perfect fire.

Pellet Fireplace Inserts: Which Brand Is Best?

Here in The Fire Factory Showroom – located just outside Milwaukee in Port Washington – we’re proud to offer our customers the finest and most reliable pellet inserts available. Whether you’re shopping for something traditional and ornate or something more modern and simple, we’ve got it right here, just for you. And rest assured, all our hearth appliance products have been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), so all you have to worry about is what to watch on TV while relaxing in front of your pellet-fueled fire.

We offer the finest pellet fireplace inserts from the following reliable brands:

  • Enerzone
  • St. Croix
Lovely pellet stove with fire brick in the back and a beautiful decoration on the front.

Don’t Settle for Less – Call Today

If you’re tired of the inefficiency of your wood-burning fireplace and want to increase your enjoyment, reduce the emissions, and just generally enjoy a more convenient, higher heat-producing hearth, stop by our Showroom and check out our pellet inserts. No matter what stage of the shopping or buying process you’re in, our honest and experienced staff is here to help every step of the way. For questions, directions, or to schedule an after-hours appointment to visit our Showroom, give us a call at 262-737-5809 or contact us online today.


Installing a new wood insert into your existing fireplace can increase fuel use efficiency and heat output. Discuss the benefits of inserts with one of our experts here at The Fire Factory.